Note: It is my belief that the 1990 Census contained an overcount which inflated Mason's population, and that this error was propagated into OSP's annual population estimates. No way to know for sure, but compare the unanticipated increase in 1990 with the matching decrease in 2000...
Road Mileage by Class (1..7) for each of the 250 towns in NH (Excel spreadsheet, 80 KB)
based on NH DOT data as of January 17, 2012 (downloaded March 14, 2014). This is
the file to download if you want to see how many miles of each Class of
road are in a town.
For each town it lists
the miles of each class of road. Class 1-4 are State roads, Class 7 are Federal roads,
Class 5 are town-maintained roads, Class 6 are UNmaintained roads, and Class 0 are private roads.
Road Mileage as above, but including the additional DOT columns (Excel spreadsheet, 128 KB) for "barrel miles", which count divided highways as separate roads, and for "lane miles" which tallies the lengths of all lanes.
DOT data in PDF format (PDF 136 KB) from which above 2 files were extracted. For each town it lists each Class on a separate line.
DOT description of road classes (PDF 76KB).
Historical taxation in Mason, 1972 to 2011, in constant 2009 dollars (PDF 64 K) Note: use with caution! The data were hand-entered from old Town Reports and may contain errors. The population figures are NH OEP estimates for all years except those ending in 0 when US Census data is available. Updated December 2011 using average CPI-U Jan to Nov 2011 (official 2011 annual CPI-U won't be available until late Jan 2012)
Graph of Historical taxation in Mason, 1972 to 2011, in constant 2009 dollars (PDF 44 K) which plots separately the County, Town and School taxes
Graph of Historical taxation in Mason, 1972 to 2011, in constant 2009 dollars (PDF 40 K) showing the County, Town and School taxes as deviations from their 1972 to 2009 averages
Historical taxation in Mason, 1972 to 2011, in constant 2009 dollars (EXCEL 28 K) The Excel spreadsheet from which the above 3 PDF files were printed.
To find a direct and simple answer to my question of "how much do we pay for our School system and how is that changing from year to year" I have prepared tables which show the actual dollar amounts charged to Mason's taxpayers "NET School cost to taxpayers" for the School Budgets for the 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-2013 school years.
Note: If, as suggested above, there was an overcount in the 1990, this would significantly increase actual the $/capita in years 1990 through 1999.
A compilation of the National Debt from 1790 to 2018 by 2-year Congresses, analyzed in
2017 dollars, by capita, by change (deficit) and by administration (parties of the President,
of the majorities of the Senate and House).
the same as an Excel spreadsheet.
List of Registered Voters, as of December 28, 2011.
I purchased a copy of the official list, current as of 12/28/2011, and then reformatted the information into a format more convenient for me. Note that the following files are not "official" copies and could even contain errors introduced during my reformatting work. If your work requires an official copy you must purchase one from the State through Mason's Supervisors of the Checklist.
Registered Voters, sorted by Name (PDF 132 KB)
Registered Voters, sorted by Street Address (PDF 128 KB)
Excel spreadsheet containing the above lists (.XLS 228 KB)
Betty Mulrey's wonderful slide show "Mason NH - Our Town!"
can be viewed here
Some browsers have problems handling the above "live" presentation. You can download
the entire December 3, 2013, version as a PDF file (30 MB) named
"The History of Bode and of his Statue": a history of Mason's first overseas inhabitant and of the statue erected in his memory in 2008 near the Mann House. You can dowload this PDF (2.3 MB) from "The History of Bode and of his Statue".
History of the town of Mason, N. H. from the first grant in 1749, to
the year 1858. By John B. Hill. Published 1858.
This book is available on-line from
Open Library both as a PDF scan (26 MB) of the original and in much more compact (1 MB)
text and ebook formats created by automated character recognition software.
The latter of course contain a number of typographical errors.
Memoir of the Rev. Ebenezer Hill, pastor of the Congregational church,
in Mason, N.H., from November, 1790, to May, 1854. Published 1858
This book is also available on-line from
Open Library, but is also included in J.B. Hill's History listed above.
Proceedings of the centennial celebration of the one hundredth anniversary
of the incorporation of the town of Mason, N.H., August 26, 1868
prepared for publication, under the direction of the Committee of Arrangements by J.B. Hill.
Published 1870
it can be downloaded from the Library of Congress as a 6.5 MB PDF
proceedingsofcen00hill.pdf . It is also available in other formats
from the Library of Congress' page.
In commemoration of the two hundredth anniversary of the incorporation
of the town of Mason, N.H., 1768-1968 By Mason Bicentennial Book Committee.
Published 1968.
This book is in the Mason Library collection and is offered for sale
by the Mason Historical Society.