Mason Energy Commission
16 Darling Hill Road
Mason, NH 03048

Meetings: 7:00 PM at Mann House, first Monday of each month except December.

Meeting Minutes


Membership: 5 full members plus alternates; all to be Mason residents, appointed by the Selectmen.

Meetings: 7:00 PM at Mann House on first Monday of each month excepting December and NH legal holidays.

Charter: established under RSA 38-D.
The Energy Commission will research municipal energy use and cost, and make such information available to the town on at least an annual basis to encourage cost-savings for the town.
The Energy Commission will study, report, and make recommendations to local boards and committees pertaining to municipal energy plans and sustainable practices such as energy conservation, energy efficiency, and energy supply choices.
The Commission is authorized to receive grants and appropriations and to spend such funds as authorized under RSA 38-D-5.