A product of the Mason Conservation Commission
Please note: Items posted here are currently in draft form and thus subject to change.
To open a file in your browser, simply click the link below. To download a file to your computer, right-click the link (Option-click on MacIntosh) and choose “Save Target As”.
The report:
Mason’s Natural Resources - A Natural Resources Inventory (PDF, 1.3 MB)
The maps:
Forest & Farmland Soils (PNG, 6.0 MB)
Hydrologic Resources (PNG, 5.9 MB)
Unfragmented Habitat Blocks (PNG, 5.3 MB)
Wildlife Habitat Ranking (PNG, 6.2 MB)
Wildlife Habitat Types (PNG, 5.7 MB)
Parcels & Contours (PNG, 5.4 MB).
(This one is intended for use as an overlay with the other maps.)
The above maps are formatted for printing at 30x36 inches at about 100 dpi, and contain images of around 3,000 x 3,600 pixels. You can print them at smaller sizes, but the smaller the size, the less detail you'll be able to see.
For those needing higher resolution the same maps formatted at 300 dpi can be downloaded below, but be aware that these files are very BIG, 30 to 40 MB each, and contain images of around 9,000 X 10,800 pixels!
Forest & Farmland Soils (PNG, 37 MB)
Hydrologic Resources (PNG, 39 MB)
Unfragmented Habitat Blocks (PNG, 31 MB)
Wildlife Habitat Ranking (PNG, 34 MB)
Wildlife Habitat Types (PNG, 33 MB)
Parcels & Contours (PNG, 42 MB).
(This one is intended for use as an overlay with the other maps.)
Slides from the Conservation Commission's May 2014 NRI presentation can be downloaded here (PDF 11 MB).