These programs are in memory of Florence Roberts, conservationist, nature lover and member of the Mason Conservation Commission for 35 years. She donated the 39 acre forest on Valley Road so the southern entrance to town will remain wild forever. Mason Scouts recently completed a trail through the forest that is available for walking and hiking. Access points are across from the cemetery and just north of the Uncle Sam House.
These programs are funded by donations, not tax dollars. For more information, contact Barbara DeVore at 732-3761 or
Animal Tracking Program with naturalist Jon Sargent from Wilton: Saturday, January 8, 2011, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am at Pratt Pond off Pratt Pond Road in Mason (rescheduled from Dec 11).
Adults and children are invited to join Jon Sargent on Saturday, December 11, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am at Pratt Pond. Jon is an accomplished naturalist from Wilton who will be searching for tracks and other signs of bobcat, moose, fisher, muskrat, bear and many more critters. The hike is subject to snow on the ground to make tracking easier for beginners and will be rescheduled if postponed. Children are welcome, but NO DOGS, please. Participants must wear appropriate cold weather clothing and boots in order to participate.
Orchids with John Crooker:Thursday, February 3, 2011, at 7:30 pm at the Mason Town Hall
Orchids will be the topic on Thursday, February 3, at 7:30 pm at the Mason Town Hall. Join a roundtable discussion with John Crooker of Brookline Road and friends from the NH Orchid Society. Learn about the world's largest plant family which grows on every continent except Antarctica. Bring questions, your curiosity or a plant which needs identification or TLC as the exciting world of easy to grow orchids is demystified by Mason's enthusiasts. People with all levels of knowledge are welcome at this free program.
In NH, the most well known orchid is the lady slipper which blooms in late spring; however, there are several other less showy native varieties which flower during summer and fall. The NH Orchid Society is actively working to conserve them and also recently purchased land in Ecuador to protect endangered species.
The NH Orchid Society's 20th Show will be held February 11-13 at the Radisson Hotel in Nashua, NH. With over 2,000 plants on display, it promises to be an exciting event with several Mason orchid growers participating.
Eyes on Owls with Marcia Wilson:Friday, March 18, 2011, at 7:30 pm at the Mason Town Hall
Eyes on Owls will return with a variety of live birds for two programs on Friday, March 18. Marcia Wilson will present an afternoon show for Mason School children, to which seniors are also invited, and an early evening show open to all townspeople. Following that, people are invited to an outdoor owl prowl under a full moon with hopes that nocturnal raptors may be lured in as hooting increases during mating season. Mark your calendar for Friday, March 18, and watch the Grapevine and the town's unofficial web site, , for more details.
To view a complete description of the program, visit <>..
This program is appropriate for adults, middle and high school students, NOT young children. A program with live owls will be held at Mason School later this year.
Salamander Migration: Thursday, April 7, 2011, at 7:30 PM at Mason Town Hall
Each year a majority of the mole salamanders (yellow spotted and
more) migrate to breeding vernal pools during the first few warm
rains after the snow has melted. During migration, many are killed
on roads. Learn how to identify amphibians, via a PowerPoint
program, that migrate in Mason, when and where they will be moving
and how you can save lives.
Rick Glatz shares his passion for nature while teaching in
Merrimack, for NH Audubon and at summer camps. He will provide
information about how you and your family may become citizen
scientists and participate in National Big Nights for Salamander
Spoon Making with Spoonwood by Dan Dustin Saturday, October 22, 2011, at 7:00 pm in Mason Town Hall
Dan Dustin has searched the land Bronson Potter left to the Conservation Commission for just-the right-shaped branches of spoonwood, an old name for mountain laurel, which he uses for creating wooden spoons. Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) is the abundant tall shrub with shades of white and pink blossoms in late June throughout Mason.
On October 22, join Dan as he reads from his book, Spoon Tales, and describes his woodworking techniques while creating a unique spoonwood spoon in the Town Hall.
A master woodworker and artist, Dan is a 35 year member of the League of NH Craftsmen and has pieces in the Currier Art Gallery's permanent collection.
Mountain Lions, Wednesday, November 30, 2011, at 7:00 PM. Speaker Bill Betty from RI will share incredible photographs, information and data.